Delavan-Darien High School releases upcoming REMOTE LEARNING DAYS for Grade 9-12 Students: * March 5 - ALL Grade 9-12 Students will be Remote * March 9 - Grade 9, 10 & 12 Remote (Grade 11 Present for ACT Exam) * March 25 - ALL Grade 9-12 Students Remote (PROM) * March 26 - ALL Grade 9-12 Students Remote (day after Prom) * April 14 - Grades 10-12 Remote (Grade 9 Present for ACT Aspire Exam) * April 21 - Grades 9, 11, 12 Remote (Grade 10 Present for ACT Aspire Exam) Remote Learning for face-to-face students means learning through Schoology. In order for a student to not be marked truant, students must login, complete and submit coursework for each teacher on Remote Learning Days.  If a teacher does not receive the assigned work, the student will be marked absent for that period. If parents/guardians have questions or concerns, please call or email your students teacher(s).
almost 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Congratulations and best wishes to DDHS wrestlers Owen Chelminiak, Cole Hanson and Mason Hennessey for qualifying for the state tournament this weekend.
almost 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
DDHS is offering a FREE Practice ACT Session this Saturday (01/09/2021) from 7:30 AM until Noon. ALL DDSD students in grades 8-12 are able to attend, but must pre-register before 01/07/2021 in the Student Services Office.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
The DDHS Band Program, in collaboration with the local Wendy's restaurant, will be raising funds for band activities & equipment. Simply dine at Wendy's Delavan from Nov. 27 - Dec. 27, '20 and tell them "DDHS Bands" & a portion of your purchase will go to the DDHS Band Program.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
DDHS Band Fundraiser w/ Wendy's
Delavan-Darien High School is offering its' first of three FREE Practice ACT Sessions this Saturday, November 14. Sign-up must occur no later than 11/12/2020 in the Student Services Office. Saturday morning students should arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 AM with the test going from 8 AM until approximately noon. Students should bring #2 pencils and a calculator. No food or drinks are permitted. [Studies show an increased composite ACT score of 1-2 points per practice test taken. DDHS will be offering three sessions (11/14, 1/9 & 2/20), which means a 3-6 point increase in composite score if a student attended all three sessions!]
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Practice ACT
DDHS would like to share a portion of our video to honor our veteran's on Veteran's Day, November 11. Please click on this link ( to hear our orchestra.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
DDHS has a high performing senior student that is interested in tutoring other students (for a fee) for all subjects, any grade level, after school hours. If interested, contact Mr. Karedes (233-6601 / & he will provide your information to the student.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
The DDHS Class of 2021 has met with our Josten's representative to learn about their graduation cap & gown purchases. Orders are due no later than Thursday, November 12, to the front office at DDHS with the money.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Class of 2021
Delavan-Darien Comet Boy's Soccer will be making a return trip to the WIAA State Championship after their 1-0 win over Grafton in tonight's WIAA Sectional Final. More information will come out this week. CONGRATULATIONS DDHS BOYS' SOCCER PLAYERS!!!
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Tickets for the Boys' Soccer Sectional competition vs New Berlin Eisenhower at New Berlin Eisenhower High School on 10/29 went on sale at 7:00 AM today. Tickets are available and will be sold on a first come, first served basis for the 4 PM game. Tickets will not be sold at the gate. You must purchase tickets by 10/29 at noon. For tickets, contact Kassandra Huerta at 262-233-6625.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Reminder: DDHS Parent/Teacher Conferences are tonight (10/22), from 4-8 PM, via phone conference only. Please click the attached link for all contacts of DDHS teachers ( Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
La Escuela DDHS tendrá las Conferencias de Padres/Maestros hoy 22 de oct. de 4-8PM por teléfono. Llame al 262-233-6735 o al 262-233-6625 para que un traductor pueda contactar a los maestros de su estudiante y traduzca la conferencia para usted.
about 4 years ago, Ben Gali
DDHS is hosting Parent/Teacher Conferences tomorrow night (Oct. 22) from 4-8 PM by phone. Tomorrow night, please use this link ( to locate your child's teacher(s) email and/or phone # to contact them about your child's progress in their course.
about 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Las conferencias de Padre/Maestros para los estudiantes de DDHS serán el jueves 22 de oct. de 4-8 p.m. La escuela continuará cerrada para todos los padres/tutores, y por lo tanto las conferencias serán a través de los padres llamando por teléfono a cada maestro(a). La próxima semana compartiremos un documento con los números telefónicos del personal de la escuela. Si usted llama y el maestro(a) no contesta su llamada inmediatamente, favor de dejar un mensaje para que el maestro(a) le devuelva la llamada.
over 4 years ago, Ben Gali
Parent/Teacher Conferences for DDHS students will occur on Thursday, Oct. 22, from 4-8 PM. The building will remain off access to parents & guardians, and therefore conferences will be hosted by parents calling in to each teacher. We will share a document with all staff phone numbers next week. If you call in and the teacher does not pick up your call immediately, please leave a message so they can call you back.
over 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Tickets for the Boys' Soccer Regional competition vs Greendale Martin Luther at DDHS on 10/20 go on sale at 11:00 AM today. Only 125 tickets are available and will be sold on a first come, first served basis for the 7 PM game. For tickets, contact Kassandra Huerta at 233-6625.
over 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Tickets for the Girls' Volleyball Regional competition vs Elkhorn at DDHS on 10/20 go on sale at 11:00 AM today. Only 125 tickets are available and will be sold on a first come, first served basis for the 7 PM game. For tickets, contact Kassandra Huerta at 233-6625.
over 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Please be advised that DDHS students and the Delavan-Darien School District do not have school on Friday, October 9, 2020 as we have teacher in-service.
over 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
This morning Delavan-Darien High School, in collaboration with the Delavan Police Department, ran a highly successful mandatory school safety evacuation drill according to WI State Law, Act 143. We appreciate the cooperation of all students and staff involved.
over 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
If you have a ticket to attend tonight's football game (Delavan-Darien vs Waterford) at Borg Stadium, please remember to wear a mask and socially distance as a spectator.
over 4 years ago, Jim Karedes
Face Masks Required