SAVE THE DATE: Autism Awareness Parent Night WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 2021 @ TURTLE CREEK 5:00-6:00 PM We hope to see you there!
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
Autism Awareness TC 2021
Autism Awareness TC 2021 SPA
Guided tours to see our 4K and 5K programming options in person at Turtle Creek Elementary are happening at the end of each month now until May. The next tour dates are Thursday, February 25 and Friday, February 26. Tours are 15-20 minutes long. Call 262-233-6300 to reserve a time. COVID safety protocols will be in place.
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
4K and 5K enrollment for the 2021-22 school year is now open! We are also offering guided tours of our 4K and 5K programs by appointment only. Please call 262-233-6300 or click here for more information:
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
4k enroll
¡La inscripción de pre kinder (4k) y kinder para el año escolar 2021-2022 ahora está disponible! Estamos ofreciendo visitas guiadas de nuestra escuela sobre el programa de pre kínder (4k) y kínder (5k) por cita únicamente. Por favor llame al 262-233-6300. Incluso usted puede visitar el enlace debajo para obtener información:
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
4k enroll
Let's bring some warm positivity for a chilly week with Winter Spirit Days next week!
almost 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
SPA Winter Spirit 21
Winter Spirit 21
Please see the attached flyer for child screening events at Turtle Creek Elementary for any incoming students ages 0-4 (not already in school). This is open for any family that would like to learn more about their child's developmental milestones. Call the number on the flyer to set up an appointment to have your child screened by our licensed teachers. Any family is welcome to attend. Translation services will also be provided. Por favor revise el boletín sobre el evento de evaluaciones de desarrollo infantil que tomará lugar en la primaria Turtle Creek. Este evento es para cualquier niño de nacimiento a 4 años (actualmente no inscrito en la escuela). El evento estará disponible para cualquier familia que guste aprender más sobre el desarrollo mental y logros del niño. Llame al número telefónico para hacer una cita. Una maestra licenciada le hará la evaluación. Cualquier miembro familiar es bienvenido a asistir. Los servicios de interpretación y traducción estarán disponibles.
about 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
4K Child Screening 2021
SPA 4K Child Screening 2021
TC Attendance Reminders: School starts at 8:20 am. Please call the school every day someone is absent. The 24/7 TC Absence Line is 262-233-6399. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
Recordatorio sobre asistencia en Turtle Creek: Las clases comienzan a las 8:20 am. Por favor llame para informarnos sobre la ausencia de su hijo. La línea telefónica está disponible 24 horas los 7 días a la semana. El número de asistencia es el siguiente 262-233-6399.¡Gracias!
about 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
Ms. Guerrero, a 5K dual language teacher from Turtle Creek, won one of the 2020 James Patterson and Scholastic $500 grants to buy books for her students! All 5K dual language students will receive new books to take home, and her class library was enriched with new books about inclusion, diversity, culture and other topics in English and Spanish. La maestra Guerrero ganó una de las donaciones de $500 dolores de Scholastic y James Patterson para comprar libros para sus estudiantes. Cada uno de los estudiantes de 5K del programa de Lenguaje Dual recibirán varios libros nuevos para llevar a casa, y la biblioteca de clase fue enriquecida con libros sobre inclusión, diversidad, cultura y otros temas en español es inglés.
about 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
5K Students looking at their new books
The Winning Message
Turtle Creek is holding an emergency evacuation drill shortly. IT IS ONLY A DRILL. We will be pressing the WAVE button, so if you get a notification or you see the police presence outside the school, please know that it is only a drill.
about 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
No tricks! 4K teachers at Turtle Creek came up with a safe way to give out treats during outreach today! 4K families are also working on a STEAM project connected to Little Miss Muffett today.
about 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
All 4K teachers giving out treats (not tricks) safely.
4K Outreach 10/28/20
Our library and technology aides, Mrs. Polster and Mrs. Mohr, are running a favorite book character election! During class, students wil be creating posters and videos. To get students even more excited, Turtle Creek will have dress up days on Oct. 30 and November 3.
over 4 years ago, Bryan Bestul
Book Character Election Dress Up Days
Engineers in Mrs. Draffkorn and Mrs. Akey's classes have been working through the design process. This week students planned, built, and tested a design for a tower that could hold a marshmallow! Students analyzed their designs to check for strengths and weaknesses to improve. There was so much brilliant thinking happening as new ideas sparked and students shared their expertise with each other!
over 4 years ago, DDSD
2nd grade Engineers
2nd grade Engineers
2nd grade Engineers
2nd grade Engineers
We would like to apologize for any confusion regarding the date for the in-person 4K Open House at Turtle Creek. The date is Thursday, August 20. Please see this link for additional information:
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers
Delavan-Darien School District Virtual Program Enrollment Begins for the 2020-2021 school year. For more information use these links: English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers
Here is a link to access information from the City of Delavan regarding the July 4th City Cruise and the Fireworks which are being held on the Delavan-Darien School District Property:
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers
Here is the link to the schedule for the summer Bookmobile in the Delavan & Darien communities:
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers
Here is the year-end video for the Kindergarten Dual Language Program students:
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers
This is the Delavan-Darien School District Reminding all parents to register your 4 year old children now for this fall's 4K Program.
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers
Here is a link for important information on the continuation of meal service to anyone 18 years old or younger in our community. English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Brian Vissers