Course: CC550 - Leadership

Grade: 10, 11,

Subject Area: Career Connections

Type: Standard

Credits: 0.5

Course Information:

Do you know what it takes to be an effective leader? This class will explore the elements of successful leadership. Citizenship and individual personalities will be studied and applied. Students will have the opportunity to exercise leadership roles and to run effective meetings using parliamentary procedures. Everyone is born with leadership potential. This class will help students unlock and develop those leadership skills. Leadership will be needed in all career areas.


  • Describe the actions and attributes of effective leaders

  • Demonstrate integrity

  • Demonstrate self-representation skills

  • Demonstrate diversity awareness

  • Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness

  • Demonstrate teamwork skills

  • Describe characteristics of effective followers

  • Identify roles and responsibilities of a leader in relation to one’s own aptitudes as a leader or follower

  • Demonstrate the ability to create a resume