DD Tech Pathway Planning Guide

The Pathway Planning Guide showcases the recommended schedule and courses for each individual pathway.
Each individual pathway plan has been developed and reviewed by the pathway advisor and business / industry partners. Each plan should be followed as closely as possible to get the most out of each program. If a student wishes to take elective courses that are not listed, virtual, or hosted by GTC they may do so under the advisement of their school counselor and/or the DD Tech Administrator. DD Tech schedules may be individualized to meet the career goals of the student under the advisement of their school counselor and/or the DD Tech Administrator. (Example: Agriculture Business)
An example of an ideal four year plan that maximizes modified time for gainful employment is shown in the planning guide. It is important to note that Individual student plans may differ from what is shown below based on student interests, class availability, and student performance. This plan should be used to select courses for each academic year for all DD Tech students. It is imperative that the student, parent/guardian, and student’s counselor are aware of the pathway requirements and are actively part of the scheduling process on a yearly basis.
Contact our student services team to start planning your journey!
Counselor (A-G)
Tricia Collins
Counselor (H-O)
Adam Shade
Counselor (P-Z)
Randi Kisner